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OSU PD investigating rash of auto burglaries

Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Oklahoma State University Police Department is investigating multiple auto burglaries. Seventeen (number updated at 1:40 p.m.) burglaries occurred in parking lot 2, north of Bennett Hall. Three occurred in the 4th Avenue Parking Garage. Officers believe the rash of burglaries likely occurred overnight, but some could have happened during a 48-72 hour period between when the vehicle was parked and when the burglary was discovered. A witness reported hearing car alarms Wednesday night around 11:30 p.m. north of Bennett Hall.


The perpetrator(s) is breaking windows to gain entry into the vehicles and not targeting a specific type of item. Some items taken include bluetooth speakers and an air mattress.

The OSUPD encourages everyone to keep their vehicle locked, do not leave property in the vehicle or keep it out of sight.


Have information? Call the OSUPD at 405-744-6523 for non-emergencies. Students and employees can also chat with dispatchers through the Rave Guardian app. The chat feature allows users to send a photo of suspicious activity.

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