Severe Weather Refuge Locations
The OSU-Stillwater campus has no public shelters. All severe weather refuge locations are for the use of OSU students and employees.
Severe Weather | Tornado
You are responsible for finding shelter in the event of a tornado. However, OSU has provided a list of on-campus buildings with basements for severe weather refuge.
If you are on the main campus during a normal work day, the best places to seek shelter are one of these Areas of Severe Weather Refuge. If there is no time to go safely to an Area of Severe Weather Refuge, go to the lowest floor of the building.
If you are on campus after normal business hours*, Legacy Hall and the Classroom Building will be opened by OSU Police for use as areas of refuge. Monitor weather reports and go to this building when it begins to storm; if the sirens are sounding, it is too late to seek other shelter.