Training and Classes
Rape Aggression Defense System
The Rape Aggression Defense System or R.A.D. is a female only program of realistic,
self-defense tactics and techniques.
The system is a comprehensive 12-hour course for women that begins with awareness,
prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on
self-defense training. Would you like more information about an upcoming R.A.D. course?
Submit an online request. Or, email or call 405-744-6523.
Alcohol and Drug Awareness
The OSUPD provides alcohol and drug awareness training upon request.
The information focuses on laws surrounding public intoxication, DWI, DUI and the
social host law. Drug and alcohol abuse programs are also conducted each semester
by University Counseling Services and Residential Life.
OSU Alcohol and Substance Abuse Center 405-744-2818 or 405-744-5458
Reach-Out Hotline 1-800-522-9054
Active Shooter Response
Even with a fast and dedicated police force close at hand, students, faculty and staff
faced with an active shooter could need to make life-and-death decisions for their
own safety. The OSUPD has been offering Active Shooter Response training by request
since 2008.
The training covers the best practices to help you stay safe no matter where you are,
explain why a “lockdown” on a college campus isn’t possible or practical, and give
best practices for taking charge of your own safety. The training is applicable to
any situation with a dangerous intruder.
Training time can be customized to your needs, from one to two hours. To request Active
Shooter Response training, email or call 405-744-6523.