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public safety

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Protect your property

  1. Lock your door whenever you leave your room for ANY length of time or when sleeping.
  2. Secure your vehicle. Close all windows and lock all doors.
  3. Never prop open any door.
  4. Adequately protect all valuables in your room, such as wallets, jewelry, credit cards, cash and computers. Do not leave valuables or cash in plain view.
  5. Protect your books and put your name in them. Do not leave them in public places.
  6. Do not loan your keys to anyone.
  7. Never hide your keys outside your apartment or room. Do not put your name or address on your key rings.
  8. Take all valuable items home with you during vacations.
  9. When in a public place, keep valuable possessions out of sight. If you must leave an area for any length of time, take personal items with you.
  10. Participate in "Operation Identification" in cooperation with the OSU Police Department.
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